Connection water supply at Phase 1 facility, Borneo Elephant Sanctuary (BES)

The water supply reached only the Phase 1 water tanks (left side).

Access for clean water had been a big problem faced by BES staff. During the Phase I period, no piped water was available due to damaged piping (accident caused by the plantation contractor’s backhoe). As Movement Control Order (MCO) was enforced during the Covid-19 pandemic and no district crossing allowed since March 2020, repair work was delayed further.

BES staff had to buy bottled drinking water but at least their daily use water was supplied from 2 rainwater collecting tanks. A big chunk of the water supply used for cleaning the paddocks is obtained from a nearby constructed mini pond. Borneo Conservation Trust staff with the support from Borneo Wildlife Preservation (BWP) took the initiative to connect the water supply from the Phase 1 water tanks to the nearby amenities.

Layout Plan for recent water connection in the Phase 1 facilities area:

• Marking No.1 – water supply for the elephant paddock
• Marking No.2 – water supply to the middle area of Phase 1 facilities
• Marking No.3 – water supply to bathroom, toilet and kitchen


• Marking No.4 & No.5 – pipe installation and water taps for usage in the area



Healthier and cleaner working environment for all the Borneo Elephant Sanctuary staff (BCT & WRU) upon the installation of the new water connection. Thanks to the BCT staff who had carried out the work job by installing the new water connections as plan. BCT is really grateful to BWP for their continuous support at BES. – 19 March 2021